Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Road Ahead

Event One: Author of these thoughts gets first driver's license.

Event Two: Author turns twenty-nine.

Event Three: Withdrawal of the one job offer coming from a year of a truly vile job hunt.

Event Four: Author has no fucking clue what he's supposed to do with himself.

Conclusion: Clearly, a solo cross-continent road trip is needed.


Items in car: Cell phone with bluetooth earpiece, fifty state road atlas, three audio books including Kerouac's On The Road, GPS unit (for emergencies), and stuffed panda bear.

Fixed points of itinerary:

December 4, 9 AM: Pick up rental car at Reagan National Airport.
December 4, 5 PM: Arrive in Fayetteville, North Carolina, to stay with study abroad friend.
December 5: Arrive in Jacksonville, Florida, to stay with grad school friend.
December 6: Go shoot semi-automatic weaponry at Jacksonville range with said grad school friend.
December 10: Arrive in Nashville, Tennessee to stay with college friend.
December 12: Go to hockey game in Nashville with college friend.
December 18: Arrive in San Francisco, California to stay with cousin.
December 25: Drop car off at Reagan National.

All else is subject to passing whims.

Expectations: many moments of loneliness, some few moments of awesomeness.

In any event, this must be done.


Will there be some moment of enlightenment along the way?

If I knew now, I wouldn't need the trip, now would I?


Initial soundtrack:

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