Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The route west

I'm going to snake my way up to Nashville via Alabama, I think -- I'll drive towards Birmingham today, tho' I may take a few back roads.

Once I get to Nashville, though, I'll take an interstate west -- I-40. That'll take me most of the way to LA, around 2000 miles, and then I can head up I-5 to San Francisco...

Yes, this is simple and elegant, and totally can be done in four or five days from Nashville to SF. Over five days, it involves just under eight hours of driving a day.

If I want a more scenic route, I can deviate some. But I now have the general direction...

Little Rock, Oklahoma City, Amarillo, Albuquerque, Flagstaff, and Bakersfield, here I come!


  1. Looks good..you must enjoying your trip..lovely,i like your long drive plan but be sure of weather....Happy holiday...

  2. Yea i drove same way 2 year back.In 7 days 7 thousand KM...me only the driver..beautiful experience...
